Rope Walking into the Future

Rope Walking into the Future

Image by Richard Haughton We are nearly there.  But not.  Quite. Yet.  We have – as anyone who regularly reads these blogs will know – been moving towards moving house for about a year. At long last we are ‘under offer,’ and last...
Why M/Others WHo Make?

Why M/Others WHo Make?

Photo by Mika Rosenfeld Mothers who Make began in the summer of 2014 – incredibly that makes it now nine years old. And I still get challenged, as I did then, about why it’s for mums. Why exclude the dads?  “They have challenges too!” “Why isn’t it Parents...
What will you sacrifice?

What will you sacrifice?

For Nicky It has long bothered me that motherhood is so often framed as a tale of sacrifice. When I was working on my book, No Season but the Summer, the novelist Nicky Singer – who mentored me with such generosity and perspicacity that she became my ‘Book Mama’-...